1. . Write a report about the increasing pollution in our city.
Air and water are the two most important things on which human life depends.
we are deprived of either of them we would soon die. This can show the importance
chese elements in human life. But in the recent past a disturbing trend has become visible
cities. It concerns the air pollution. Our city of Raipur is also full of air pollution.
There are many reasons for this air pollution. One major reason of this air pollution,
course, is they ever increasing number of scooters, mopeds and four-wheelers in the
because the vehicles of public transport, three-wheelers and buses. On an average one
housand vehicles are added every week to the running fleet of this town. Although the
mads are being widened yet traffic congestion is increasing at alarming proportions. At
the peak hours of office traffic sometimes it can take even ten minutes before road squares
could be crossed by pedestrians. These vehicles not only cause accidents, they also kill
neople in another manner, by polluting the air and making it less worthy of being breathed.
The towns people find it more and more difficult to break the fresh air. Many of the vehicles
are not road worthy in the sense the smoke that comes out of them is more than the optimum
level that could be tolerated.
The government should rise up to action before it is too late. Private vehicles should
be refused admission on the city roads during certain hours. The government should provide
public vehicles for transport of office and factory going people. This would mean less and
less private vehicles on the roads. Unless some drastic measures are undertaken the town
would be dead at least in the figurative sense. We shall be lived and breathing in polluted air.