1. Write Short notes on the following plant tissues? a) Parenchyma b) Collenchyma C) Sclexenchyma D) Xylem e) Phibem
I hope it is helpful
Parenchyma– These tissues are found in the soft parts of a plant such as the roots, stems, leaves, and flowers. The cells of this tissue are loosely packed and contain large intercellular spaces between them. Each cell has a vacuole at the center. The functions of parenchyma tissues are storage, photosynthesis, and to help the plant float on water.
Collenchyma- Are similar to parenchyma cells with thicker cell walls. They are meant to provide mechanical support to the plant structure in parts such as petiole of the leaf.
Sclerenchyma- The cells of this tissue are dead. They are rigid, contain thick and lignified secondary walls. Their main function is to provide strength and support to parts of the plant.
Complex Permanent Tissue
Unlike simple permanent cells which look the same and are made up of one type of cells, complex permanent tissues are made up of more than one type of cells. These different types of cells coordinate to perform a function. Xylem and Phloem are complex permanent tissues and are found in the vascular bundles in the plants.
Xylem- It consists of tracheids, vessels, xylem parenchyma and xylem fibres. Tracheids and vessels are hollow tube-like structures that help in conducting water and minerals. The xylem conducts only in one direction i.e vertically. The xylem parenchyma is responsible for storing the prepared food and assists in the conduction of water. Xylem fibres are supportive in function.
Phloem- It consists of four of elements: sieve tubes, companion cells, phloem fibres and the phloem parenchyma. Unlike the xylem, phloem conducts in both directions. It is responsible for transporting food from the leaves to the other parts of the plant. Phloem contains living tissues except for fibres that are dead tissues.