Computer Science, asked by StudyDoubts, 9 months ago

1. Write the algorithms in the provided space of the given quens: a) to calculate the total of all subjects marks of a student b) to check whether the person is eligible to vote or not?


Answered by sd3010041


Given an array of names of candidates in an election. A candidate name in array represents a vote casted to the candidate. Print the name of candidates received Max vote. If there is tie, print lexicographically smaller name.


Input : votes[] = {"john", "johnny", "jackie",

"johnny", "john", "jackie",

"jamie", "jamie", "john",

"johnny", "jamie", "johnny",


Output : John

We have four Candidates with name as 'John',

'Johnny', 'jamie', 'jackie'. The candidates

John and Johny get maximum votes. Since John

is alphabetically smaller, we print it.

Recommended: Please solve it on PRACTICE first, before moving on to the solution.

A simple solution is to run two loops and count occurrences of every word. Time complexity of this solution is O(n * n * MAX_WORD_LEN).

An efficient solution is to use Hashing. We insert all votes in a hash map and keep track of counts of different names. Finally we traverse the map and print the person with maximum votes.

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