English, asked by Rxlover, 1 year ago

1. You have been involved with an NGO, 'VERDICT' working in the field of education. In July

2012, your organisation admitted 150 students, who were engaged in other activities, in the

Govt, and public schools under RTEA-2009. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper relating

your experience and suggesting what more could be done in the field of education. You are

Ankit/Ankita living at 'Nehru Vihar', New Delhi.​


Answered by phillipinestest

Letter to the editor


Nehru Vihar

New Delhi


The Editor

Delhi Times

Kailash Avenue

New Delhi

             Sub: Uplift masses through Education


Education is the strongest weapon of development for a developing country. An educated person has a better scope of survival than an uneducated person. I would like to share some space in your esteemed daily to air my experiences and views on this matter.

I have been  involved with an NGO named 'VERDICT' which has been working in the field of education for over two decades. In July 2012, our organisation admitted 150 students, who were engaged in other activities, in the  Government and public schools under RTEA-2009.

Ever since, we have organised mobile tutorials to help these students with their school studies. Old, not in use Government buses have been rented from the Government and turned into Mobile Coaching centres. Every evening we run these buses to a common place near a slum where the children can come to study.

The seats of the bus serve as classroom seats. a board is fixed behind the Driver's cabin facing the children.

The children are tutored according to their classes. This concept has been running successfully. I suggest if teachers and other educated citizens join our endeavour the children can be educated on skill development also. A Doctor can teach the utility of Health and Hygiene, an Engineer can test their aptitude and data interpretation. Music lessons can also be held if Musicians spare some time.

I would request all readers of this esteemed Daily to give it a thought and help in educating the masses instead of confining education for the classes.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully


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Answered by gurparteekatwal9919


15, Nehru Vihar


17 August, 2020

The Editor

The Hindustan Times


Subject: Importance of Education


In today’s age everyone would agree that education is a must. I have been involved with an NGO called ‘Verdict’ for the past two years. Our core field of work is to spread awareness about the importance of education and to provide education. In July 2012, we got 150 students admitted in Government and public schools under the provisions of RTEA-2009.

My experience with the NGO has been an overwhelming one, yet an eye-opening one too. A lot still needs to be done if we want our country to develop and progress. One possible solution to this situation is to make it compulsory for ‘Each One to Teach One.’ Along with this, if the schools are compelled to turn to afternoon classes and provide education to the people of lower strata at subsidized fees, the problem would be solved to a great extent. I hope to seek the cooperation of every enlightened citizen in this regard.

Thank you

Yours sincerely


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