Political Science, asked by bhumisolankij7, 8 months ago

10. Are equality and justice important features of a democracy? Why?​


Answered by Anonymous

Equality and justice is essential to any good form of government. Unfortunately democracy has neither.

I am referring to the issue raised in the writings of the Founders, which warned against the dangers of pure democracy which they opposed. It is why they founded a republic.

In a republic, the Constitution is supreme (hence the supreme law of the land.) It trumps the will of the majority, also called mob rule, or as they called it the tyranny of the majority.

The problem with democracy or majority rule is that it is not restrained by the law, as is the case in a republic. It is democracy which allows the traitors in government to ignore the Constitution. The problem with a pure democracy unrestrained by law is that the majority can trample the rights of the individuals especially those in the minority. In a republic, all individual rights are protected equally under the law, even against the will of the majority (mob).

Some say they can only do what we allow them to do. I say they can only do what the Constitution allows them to do. The assumption that democracy without rule of law will work is false. It can only work when the voter is intelligent and informed. The government schools have taken out the intelligent part and the propaganda from the MSM has taken out the informed requirement. When the majority rules and that majority is working for the government or dependent upon the government we are doomed.

The only fix now is to reconstitute a new government to replace the present one and to base the new government on the principles of a republic rather than a democracy. The pledge of allegiance to the flag, says “and to the republic for which it stands” not “and to the democracy for which it stands”.

In our government controlled curriculum, today some schools teach that the words republic and democracy mean the same thing and are interchangeable. This is a lie. They mean quite different things. The fact that this lie is being taught, is why people educated by the government will never even understand the problem.

To understand the difference between republic and democracy the following metaphor is useful.

A lynch mob catches a person they believe is a horse thief and want to string him up. The man accused is the minority. This is how democracy works. But when the sheriff (rule of law) rides up and says you can’t hang this man without a trial, now it becomes a republic.

The mob rule of democracy always uses concepts like the mythical “greater good” argument to trample the rights of the individual. There is no greater good than rights and freedoms of every individual protected equally under the rule of law.

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Answered by Anonymous


Productivity – people who are treated fairly and have equal opportunity are better able to contribute socially and economically to the community, and to enhance growth and prosperity. Confidence – an equal and fair society is likely to be safer by reducing entrenched social and economic disadvantage


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