Cell as the basic unit of ute, explain this statemeng.
11. Write the functions of : mitochondria , plastids and nucleus.
12. What is xylem ?
10 - A cell is the smallest unit of a living things. A living things, whether made of one cell (like bacteria) or many cell (like a human) , is called on organisms. This, cells are the basic building blocks of all organisms
11 - Mitochondria: Mitochondria are membrane- bound cell organelle that generates most of the chemical energy needed to power the cell's biochemical reaction. Chemical energy produced by the mitochondria is stored in a small molecule called Adenosine Triphonphate (ATP)
Plastids: plastids often contain pigment used in photosynthesis and the type of pigment in a plastids determine the cell's color
Nucleus: nucleus control and regulates the activities of the cell example growth and metabolism
12 - Xylem is the material in plants that carries water and food upwards from the root
A cell is the smallest unit of a living thing. A living thing, whether made of one cell (like bacteria) or many cells (like a human), is called an organism. Thus, cells are the basic building blocks of all organisms.