10 example of biodegradable and non biodegradable materials
Answer: Biodegradable materials are those which can be degraded by natural processes into some usable forms.
Example- Human and animal excreta, Plant products like rubber, paper, wood, leaves, cotton, and wool, Dead remains of living organisms, Kitchen waste, Agricultural waste.
Non biodegradable materials are those which can not be degraded by natural processes into usable forms.
Example- Glass, Metals like aluminium, copper, zinc, iron, Electronic devices, computer parts, batteries, Medical waste, Plastic bags, plastic bottles, Tetra packs, Carbon paper, thermo coal.
The examples for biodegradable materials are human faeces, manure, sludge from sewage treatment plants, waste that comes from slaughterhouses, animals and plants that have died, wooden plants, books, cotton clothes, fruit peels, rotten fruits and non-biodegradable materials are glass, plastic, metals, pesticides, aluminium cans, e-waste, styrofoam, razors, carbon paper, polythene.
Biodegradable materials disintegrate quickly thanks to the operations of bacteria, fungus, and other living organisms. Biodegradable things often seen in regular use include food waste, tree leaves, and grass clippings. Plant-based products are typically biodegradable.
Biodegradable Materials Examples:
Human faeces.
Sludge from sewage treatment plants.
Waste that comes from slaughterhouses.
Animals and plants that have died.
Wooden plants.
Cotton clothes.
Fruit peels.
Rotten fruits.
Non-biodegradable materials:
Non-biodegradable materials cannot be broken down by natural creatures, they can pollute the environment. These wastes are difficult to deal with. It can't be broken down by naturally occurring substances and can last for thousands of years on the surface of the earth. The majority of inorganic materials are non-biodegradable.
Examples of Non-biodegradable Materials:
Aluminium cans
Carbon paper