Physics, asked by priyatiwari2, 1 year ago

10 examples related to inertia of motion and inertia of direction


Answered by Moumita07

Some examples of inertia of motion are as follows:

(a) A person trying to get down from a running bus falls forward.

Explanation: when the person gets down from a running bus the upper part of his body is still in motion and due to this inertia of motion the body topples forward even though he has set his foot on the ground.

(b) Passengers travelling by train fall forward when the train applies sudden brake

Explanation: due to inertia of motion the motion of all passengers is equal to the motion of the train and as soon as the brake is applied the passengers feet being in contact with the train floor stops while the upper part falls forward due to inertia of motion.

(c) Ripe fruits fall from the trees in the direction of wind.

Explanation: the tree sways along with the wind and the inertia of motion makes these fruits sway along with the tree branches. The fruits fall off due to the inertia of motion along the direction of wind.

(d) The swirling of milk in a glass continues even after the stirring is stopped.

Explanation: a person stirring a spoonful of sugar into a glass of milk finds the milk continuing the swirling movement even after the stirring is stopped and this happens due to the inertia of motion of the milk inside the glass.

(e) A toy thrown up by a boy inside a moving train moves along with the train

Explanation: the toy also attains the same velocity as the train inside the train and thus would move along with the train when thrown up. This will apply only when the train is moving with a constant speed or it might fall forward or backward if the speed is altered.


1.The passenger in a running bus tends to lean forward,when the bus stop suddenly:
when the bus is running the whole bodyof the passenger is in the state of motion when the bus stops suddenly,the lower part of the passengers body which is in contact with the bus,comes to rest.but the passengers upper portion remains in the state of motion due to the inertia motion.this is the reason for the passenger to lean forward when the bus stops suddenly.
2.if a person throws a ball vertically upwards in a moving comes back to his hand:
the moment the ball was thrown,the ball was also in motion alone with the person who has thrown the ball and the train.this is due to inertia of when the ball remains in the air,both the person and the ball move ahead by the same distance.this makes the ball to come back to his hand on its return. a sports field an athelete often runs before taking a long jump:
the reasons why an athelete runs before a long jump is that the atheletebrings himself in the state of motion and so it becomes easier for him to take a long jump.
4.a person jumping out of a moving train,falls down:
when a person is sitting inside a train,his complete body was in a state of motion with the train.the moment he jumps out of the moving train,his feet touches the ground ,and the lower portion of his body comes to rest.but the upper portions remains in motion due to inertia of motion.thats why the falls in the direction of motion of the avoid this.the person should run in the direction of motion of the train for some distance after he jumps out of the train.then he will not fall down.
Hope this helps
Answered by s131417

Alagi usually tied with a rope on the roof of the buses because when the bus stops the lower part of the bus comes in the rest but the upper part of the bus which is in the contact with the luggage does not so the luggage will continue to move due to inertia of motion

inertia of motion

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