Biology, asked by vivekk5791, 8 months ago

10 क्लास के मैथ के 5 .1 के पूर​


Answered by mano789


Students often face problem in completing the Maths paper on time due to the long and tricky calculations used in solving the Maths questions. Students generally panic while solving questions in exams due to which they are unable to finish the paper on time. Just because they run out of time, they have to leave a few questions unwillingly and quite often it has been observed that the questions they leave are those which they could do very easily. Such a situation becomes very disappointing.

In this article, we have summed up some important tips on how to attempt the Maths paper correctly and finish it before time nonetheless the overwhelming pressure of the board exam. These simple but effective tips will help you write the exam perfectly to fetch you the full marks.1. Know the examination pattern and question paper design

In order to write the Maths exam smoothly, the most important thing is to understand the examination pattern/ question paper design which will make you familiarised with the structure of the question paper you will get in the board exam. Moreover, you will also get to know the formats in which questions will be asked and their mark breakup. If you will be having an idea about the pattern of questions then you won’t find it difficult to understand the structure of the paper on the final day which will definitely save some of your crucial time.

2. Prepare a strategy for the exam before you take it

After understanding the examination pattern, the next job is to deeply analyse the exam pattern and prepare a strategy for the final exam. Check the number of questions, their types and mark breakup to be followed in the CBSE board question paper.

3. Use the first 15 minutes effectively

The best thing that CBSE offers its students is the 15 minutes reading time before they start writing their exam. These, 15 minutes can be of great help to prepare a strategy for writing the exam appropriately. You must read all 40 questions properly and mark them into three categories- easy, manageable and tough. This is done to have an overall idea about the questions and make a rough plan to attempt all of them smoothly and correctly.


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