French, asked by Clara223, 1 year ago

10 lines about mosquito in Bengali


Answered by sharma78savita


1) A mosquito is a type of fly which comes in the category of “Diptera”.

2) A mosquito has a soft body surrounded with a hard cover which is called an “Exoskeleton”

3) Mosquitoes have thin and straight body, a pair of wings, six hairy legs, two long antennae on their head, and a long mouth.

4) The head of a mosquito is round and have two eyes which contain smaller lenses.

5) The antennae of mosquitoes help them to know the movement of air.

6) Generally, the male and female mosquitoes both take fruit and plant’s juice.

7) In many species of mosquitoes, female mosquitoes suck the blood by piercing the skin of humans.

8) Female mosquitoes suck the blood in order to get nutrients from it so that they can lay eggs.

9) In some species mosquitoes lay eggs only after sucking the blood.

10) Mosquitoes sit on the warm-blooded animals including humans and pierce its needle like elongated mouth part to suck blood.

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