English, asked by Dhallnishtha83, 11 days ago

10. My cousin and I waiting to go outside (is, are
Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in the box.
1 She
both English and Bengali
either milk or juice
2. You can
3. I can neither
nor sing
4. I would like to
with both land animals and aquatic animals.
5. This car
neither fast nor comfortable.
6 You
either go with him now or find your own way home
7 She
they will win the next match
8. Mr Jackson
got five cats, two dogs, a horse and a rabbit
9. Hemant
for the station a while ago.
a carton of milk every day.
10. Rohan​


Answered by niteshkryadav8888


wait for 5 minutes iam sending you solutions

Answered by arorakrishang


10 - is

She speaks

both English and Bengali.

2. You can have either milk or juice.

3 I can neither draw

nor sing.

4. I would like to work

with both land animals and aquatic animals.

5. This car is

neither fast nor comfortable.

6 You can

either go with him now or find your own way home

7 She says

they will win the next match.

8 Mr Jackson has

got five cats, two dogs, a horse and a rabbit

9. Hemant left

for the station a while ago.

10. rohan buys a carton of milk every day.

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