English, asked by harshitdangwalvid15, 2 months ago

10 sentence on the power of optimism


Answered by kramesh77

Optimists Feel Healthier

If you think that the world is inherently good, and that life will work out in your favor, you're more likely to rate your own health and sense of well‑being as better. Best of all, it doesn't matter where you live or what language you speak: These statistics came from a study of more than 150,000 people living in 142 countries. But optimism doesn't just make you feel healthier—it can actually make you healthier, as these next few studies show.

Optimists Are Healthier

A recent Harvard School of Public Health study found that positive psychological well‑being, which includes self-acceptance and positive relations with others, is linked to improved heart health. However, having an optimistic attitude was the biggest predictor of all: People who tend to look on the bright side have fewer heart problems, such as cardiovascular disease. They also have better cholesterol readings: In a separate survey of nearly 1,000 middle aged men and women, those who reported higher levels of optimism had lower levels of triglycerides, or less fat in the blood.

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