10. State the kind of chemical reactions in the following examples
(a) Digestion of food in stomach
(b) Combustion of coal in air
(c) Heating of limestone
(a) Digestion of food in stomach --> Decomposition reaction.
(Explanation:Decomposition is nothing but a chemical reaction and breaking down of food into digestible nutrients such as Carbohydrates, proteins, fats which our body required for proper functioning.)
(b) Combustion of coal in air --> Redox reaction.
(Explanation:Burning coal is a chemical change called combustion. A combustion is the chemical reaction (redox reaction) of coal with oxygen O2.)
(c) Heating of limestone --> Decomposition reaction.
(Explanation: Decomposition reaction is the chemical change that takes place when limestone is heated strongly. As a result quick lime and Carbon dioxide is formed.)
Digestion of food in stomach --> Decomposition reaction. (Explanation:Decomposition is nothing but a chemical reaction and breaking down of food into digestible nutrients such as Carbohydrates, proteins, fats which our body required for proper functioning.) (b) Combustion of coal in air --> Redox reaction