English, asked by mogaonoorjaha, 7 months ago

10. We are playing games and watching movies
02. Complete each sentence by changing the verbs in Oto present and pro
1. Sarah
(cook) breakfast every morning (Simple present tense)
2 Laura
(livelin Florida. (Past continuous tense)
3 Zack
(throw)the frisbee onto the tool (Simple pantiene
4. She
(drive) too fast. (Simple past fense)
(rollerskate) on Sundays. (Simple present tense)
6. They
(take) photos now. (Simple present tense)
2. She
(swim) at the moment (Present continuous tense)
Patrick usually
(cook) delicious food. (Simple past tense)
3. Listent Dan
(play) the guitar. Present continuous toneel
(celebrate) my birthday on 2nd of May. (Simple past tense)
rowite the following story in the simple past tense form:
This a beautiful story among Tibetian people about Mount Everest inanca
region People of the region (live) very happly there. One day a group of
dooying everything in the region. The people (feel) very scared. They be not ab
one belrives from these devils. Out of helplessness they pray to the gods for
pay the wind (bring) five colourful clouds to the land. The clouds rative
actually five goddesses. They (light) with the devils and lock them under the
people (plead to the goddesses to remain on Earth and protect the Theo
(create) forests, grasslands farmed and beautiful flowers Allerheit
into five peak Out of the five goddesses, the third goddess be the brave head
Telepoak The mind goddess be named as on vast​


Answered by nakshathranambiar200



was ;iving




Answered by angelinjk


1)Sarah cooks breakfast every morning.

2)Laura has been living in Florida.

3)Zack had thrown the frisbee onto the pool.

4)She used to drive fast.

5)She goes rollercoaster on sundays.

6)They are taking photos now

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