Physics, asked by ansul9088, 9 months ago

100 word about physicaly change


Answered by Anonymous

A physical change is a change in one or more physical properties of matter without any change in chemical properties. In other words, matter doesn’t change into a different substance in a physical change. Examples of physical change include changes in the size or shape of matter. Changes of state—for example, from solid to liquid or from liquid to gas—are also physical changes. Some of the processes that cause physical changes include cutting, bending, dissolving, freezing, boiling, and melting. Four examples of physical change are pictured in the Figure below.  


A physical change in matter is a change in one or more of matter’s physical properties. In a physical change, matter may change its size, shape, or state, but its chemical properties do not change.

Because the chemical properties of matter remain the same in a physical change, a physical change is often easy to reverse.

Answered by Anonymous

Question :-

➝Define physical change?

Answer :-

A change in which a substance undergoes a change in its physical properties is known as physical change. In physical change no new substance is formed.

Examples :-

Glowing of bulb :- when a bulb is based on current flows through its pyramid and it becomes red hot and starts growing it is switched off it stops growing and comes to its original state There is only a change in colour and no new substance is formed. It is a physical change.

Freezing of water and melting of ice :- when water freezes it changes to Ice it changes to water similarly ,when water operates it changes to water vapour that forms clouds and when its condenses , it comes to the earth in the form of rain ,so freezing of water or melting of Ice or evaporationr of water is a physical change

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