12. A <P> tag is used to divide webpage into different sections
true or false
Know the Reason Why?
- A <p> tag is used to divide a specific junk of words into sorted paragraphs.
- This is not used to divide webpage.
- For if we want to divide webpage we need to use hr tag, to show differentiation.
Did you know this, anyhow before?
- Usually we give spaces by giving spacebar.
- Okay, granted that we use our spacebar, but if you try to give a bulk space, it would not work.
- Now, when you have discovered this we need to uncover the truth. For extra spaces, we use
- This does not contain brackets. It will automatically space out two junctions of words.
- Usually we do not remember this, the full form which I use to remember is & no break space bar.
- And also this can be applicable for CSS codès as well.
Application, like :-
I want to have cupcakes. Sanya,   would you like to have one?
Question - A <P> tag is used to divide webpage into different sections. (True or false)
Answer - A <P> tag is used to divide webpage into different sections
Why the answer is false except of true?
The paragraph element <P> indicate a paragraph. It is used to insert a line break with extra space in the beginning.
Ok let's understand this concept by an example, above are some HTML códe related to this element <P>, let's sée their output (See from attachment please)
<TITLE> Globe </TITLE>
<P ALIGN=RIGHT> Latitude lines are numerical way to measure how far south or north of the equator a place is located.
<P ALIGN=LEFT> The equator is the largest póssible circle which can be drawn around the Earth.
<P ALIGN=CENTER> Heat zones of the Earth are the three significantly different temperature zones of the Earth.