13. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
The Zamindars noticed that the British, for whom they collected more and more revenue, had no
hesitation even in putting their properties to auction in case of minor default or delay. It were
they who bore the hatred of the peasants while it were the English who enjoyed all the benefits. It
were they who extracted the last penny from the already impoverished peasants in order to fill
the British purse. It were they who first of all came out to crush the nationalist spirit thinking that
their interests were safe under the British. But as soon as the naked selfishness of the British
rulers came to their notice, they developed hatred for them. On the other side, the English too
started replacing the old Zamindars by a class of new landlords who belonged to the trading
capitalists and money-lending classes who could easily spare more money to appease the British
greed. Thus when the Zamindars saw their own interests being jeopardised, they too, became
champions of nationalism.
Find the Opposite from the passage
made rich
Answered by
made rich- impoverished
losses -benefits
unwillingness - no hesitation
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