English, asked by srgmath9900, 10 months ago

150 words story on ball dancing


Answered by aparajitha2006ap2

- Ballroom Dancing: The Development of Two Techniques It is a fact that emotion stimulates the body into movement. It has been said that “dancing is older than anything except eating, drinking and love”. Civilization and conditioning has taught people to suppress this natural response but the primitive desire still remains. Prehistoric man expressed his emotions by movement. When speech was just developing, even primitive cave drawings depict men dancing. As time went on and language was developed, the expressive movements of early man continued but transformed from spontaneous, formal and lastly traditional aspects....

- Have you did something that you didn’t really want to do, and then later get selected for doing it. Well, I have. It was another beautiful Friday at Spottsville Elementary School, and ever Friday at Spottsville was music class. But today we didn’t have music class, today was something totally different. Our music teacher Ms.Belcher was having try-outs for Mrs. Benson's ballroom dance team. To tell you the truth, I was just going to get up there and goof-off, and that I did do. But, on that Friday something went wrong, something terrible, something I didn't really get to it....

- Good Morning/Afternoon Mr. Strathdee and fellow English scholars, today we take a journey into the world of ballroom dancing. Ballroom dancing, although not a dance of individualism, it also rebels against the label of conformity often thrown at it. Our task was to compare the documentary ‘Absolutely Ballroom’, and the movie ‘Strictly Ballroom’. To properly undertake our task we were compelled to lose ourselves in the plots, music and techniques used in both films. Both show us the highs and lows of songs, elaborate dance routines, lavish costumes, and outlandish characters...

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