16. What is strong verb ? Give example.
Strong verbs are verbs that help readers imagine or know exactly what the writer is trying to describe. In other words, they convey a stronger degree of meaning than a weaker verb with the same or similar meaning. For example: Charlotte asked me to write a report about what happened yesterday.
A strong verb is a specific, descriptive verb used in writing. It helps to make your writing more concise. Descriptive and concise writing make your writing effective and quite honestly make you a better writer.
Examples : Blow > blew (past tense), blown (past participle)
Break > broke (past tense), broken (past participle)
Do > did (past tense), done (past participle)
Feed > fed (past tense and past particle)
Lie (down) > lay (past tense), lain (past participle)
Speak > spoke (past tense), spoken (past participle)