17. Our Mother fed her own milk to us for one or two years but mother cow
feeds her own milk to us for our whole life. So killing of which animal is the
most vicious and grossest type of ignorance? (BG 14.16)
a. Deer
b. Lion
c. Cow
d. Horse
Please I need quick answer
Killing of cow is the most vicious and grossest type of ignorance.
Correct answer: option c. Cow
BG 14.16
karmanah sukrtasyahuh
sattvikam nirmalam phalam
rajasas tu phalam duhkham
ajnanam tamasah phalam
Meaning: In this text, it is explained that a person under the influence of three gunas, does act and gets the result accordingly. If someone does good, he is offered with good results and to bad people, the worse.
Why not to kill a cow? - As we know that, cow has been a very useful and economical animal since the vedic times, cows must not be slaughtered. It feeds us milk like our mothers do for years. So killing of a cow is the most vicious and grossest type of ignorance, as we will lose the milk and the economical profits gained from cows.
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cow is vicious and grossest type of ihnorance