English, asked by ritujohal, 6 months ago

17. Read the following passage carefully :
The number of deaths on the road is staggering. Each year, hundreds die as a result of traffic accidents.
Many a time, these accidents could have been prevented if both the drivers and pedestrians had taken
more care on the road.
because they refuse to be more thoughtful. The greatest threat comes from drunk drivers. After all, it is
not unknown that alcohol dulls one's reactions as well as vision. Without both in tip-top condition,
seasons. The traffic police have taken the pains to plant roadblocks to ensure that drivers do not have
One of the greatest dangers on the road are the irresponsible drivers. Whether they are drunk, sleepy or
in a hurry, they show little consideration for other vehicles and pedestrians whose safety is in peril just
to drive is an act of terrible willfulness. Many fatal accidents have occurred during festive
high levels of alcohol in their blood as well as put up posters and advertisements to warn against drunk
driving. Yet, many still choose to believe that they will not be caught.
Other drivers who are in a hurry also show little care for the safety of others. They zigzag in and out of
traffic lanes to get ahead of everyone else, oblivious to the menace that they are. This could result in
fatal accidents as the drivers have little time and inclination to react to flaws in their judgment, which
could be something as simple as assuming that the road ahead is clear in the next lane. When an
obstruction suddenly appears before them, they instinctively swerve the car away, sometimes into the
car next to them or onto the pavement where innocent pedestrians are. When they are finally sorry for
being so careless, it is almost always too late,
Faulty traffic lights are also a hazard on the road. When green lights flash simultaneously at a
cross-junction, accidents can occur as drivers are confused by them and end up in a messy pile-up. Also,
drivers who are cautious tend to adopt a wait-and-see attitude because they are not sure if the lights are
really not working. As a result, the drivers behind in the congestion become impatient and angry, which
could lead to lots of honking and shouting. This could result in unpleasant flare-ups and quarrels.
Pedestrians themselves can be hazardous to safety on the road. Many of them do not obey traffic signs
and signals, choosing to cross the road as and when they please. Rather than walking fifty meters to the
pedestrian crossing, many prefer to take their chances with the heavy traffic. They fail to realize that the
pedestrian crossing was there for the sole purpose of ensuring their own safety. Others choose not to
walk on the designated pavements but on the roads instead. This causes problems to drivers who find
themselves having to invade' the next lane temporarily or even stop hastily. Many accidents have been
caused by such inconsiderate pedestrians.
Thus, it is clear that road accidents are caused more often than not by human errors. It is important tha
both the drivers and pedestrians take care to ensure their own safety as well as that of others t
minimize the dangers on the “highway of death," as roads are commonly dubbed. note making


Answered by rheamathur


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Answered by garv72gupta



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