Biology, asked by samiullabalikai, 1 month ago

17. Which of the following secretes leutenizing hormone​


Answered by pratikkumar2093


It is a hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland that stimulates ovulation in females and the synthesis of androgen in males.


Luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulates processes in your body that are important for sexual health, development and reproduction. A tiny structure in your brain called the pituitary gland secretes LH. In turn, LH causes changes in your sex organs — your ovaries or testes — that allow your reproductive system to function correctly.

In females,

LH stimulates changes in your ovaries that maintain your menstrual cycle and support pregnancy. LH causes these changes in people designated female at birth (DFAB), including cisgender women and some transgender men and nonbinary people with vaginas.

In males,

LH stimulates your testes to make testosterone, a hormone your body needs to produce sperm. Testosterone is also responsible for secondary sex characteristics, like a deeper voice and more body hair and muscle mass. LH causes testosterone release in people designated male at birth (DMAB), including cisgender men and some transgender women and nonbinary people with penises.LH hormone levels remain fairly stable after puberty among DMAB people.

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