(18) From the following transactions, prepare petty cash book of Shri Dhaval as per petty imprest system:
2021 May
1. Cash received from the chief cashier * 2500.
2.250 for printing charges of bill book and 175 for other stationery items are paid.
5. Postage expenses paid 100.
7.Carriage 25 and wages of * 25 paid.
10.350 is paid to Brij towards salary.
12.* 100 is given to Sandip for the payment of misc. expenses .
20. 50 paid for misc, expenses.
Date Particulars Total Printing Stationery Post Carr Wages Salary Misc.
Charges items age iage Exp.
1. By
Printing 250 250
2. By
Stationery 175 175
3. By
Postage 100 100
4. By
Carriage 25 25
5. By Wages 25 25
6. By Salary 350 350
7. By Misc.
exp. 100 100
8. By Misc.
exp. 50 50
1075 250 175 100 25 25 350 150
By balance c/d 1425