19.Explain in detail about the management of problems faced by adolescents.
Problems of Adolescents : Owing to various changes, children of this age group face many problems; indeed, it is very delicate period of their life. The major problems, which adolescents face, are given below :
(i) Mental Problems : During this age, stress, tension and strife are common. These traits create many mental problems. An adolescent faces many problems such as difficulty in co-operating with others, anxiety maladjustment, etc.
(ii) Problem of Aggressive Behaviour: In this age group, children tend to show aggressive behaviour. They become aggressive on small matters. They become irritated easily. When they are asked to do certain activity, they become repulsive. They try to become hero.
(iii) Lack of Stability and Adjustment : An adolescent does not remain stable and he faces adjustment problem. His behaviour does not remain content. He feels himself unable to adjust with other people. He fails to co-ordinate with others. Not only outside but he cannot adjust himself in his family. He cannot co-operate with his family members. He feels that he is under
pressure of his parents. He wants to have free atmosphere at home.
(iv) Emotional Problems: The life of an adolescent is full of emotions. Under such emotions, he performs some uphill task, which seems to be impossible in the beginning. Rose says, "The adolescent lives intensely emotional life, in which we can see once more the rhythm of positive and negative phases of behaviour in his constant alternation between intense excitement and deep depression. " Sometimes, the adolescent becomes so excited that he considers himself to be at the top of the world and, sometimes, he finds, himself in a state of depression. He feels himself emotionally disturbed.
(v) Problems of Self-support: Each and every adolescent needs self-support. He wants to make his own place in the society. He desires to live a fruitful life. Rose says, “The adolescent desires to find his place in the world. The desire is a genuine need and refers to the need for self-support. He faces the problems of carrier selection. He does not want to depend upon his family members. He remains in between dependence and independence.”
(vi) Feeling of Importance: An adolescent begins to understand himself important. He thinks that he should also get respect. But, sometimes, parents do not take it seriously. They fail to understand the feelings of adolescent. That’s why he feels himself unimportant and it becomes a great problem.
(vii) Social Problems: It has been observed that adolescents want to adopt their own way, but society creates many hindrances in their paths. So, adolescents revolt against the social customs and traditions. Friends are very important for this age group. They share their views, knowledge and experience and hence, sometimes, the group acts as the medium of spreading social vices and dis-satisfaction. If this group gets proper guidance, it is the best institution for developing sociability, confidence and comprehension. These adolescents fall prey to intoxication, i.e., alcohol, drugs and smoking. Management of Adolescence Problems.