2 By rearranging the given numbers evaluate :
2x 487 x 50
25 x 4
3. Use distributive law to evaluate :
984 x 102
385 x 1004
4. Evaluate using properties :
548 x 98
924 x 988
5. Evaluate using properties :
0679 8 +679 x 2
254 x 12-24 x 2
55873 x 94 - 55873 x 6
v) 7984 x 15- 7984 5
(v) 8324 x 1945 - 8324 x 945 w) 3333 987 - 13 x 3333
6. Find the product of the :
@ greatest number of three digits and smallest number of five digits
greatest number of four digits and the greatest number of three digits
7. Fill in the blanks :
0 (437 + 3) < (400 - 3) = 397 x
.) = 11x
() 66 +44 +22 = 11*(--
8. Evaluate :
( 355 x 18
15 x 49372
() 6214 x 12
(I) 9999 x 8
Please send me all answers of the questions which I have sent because I am not able to solve please help me! please send answer line wise because I have to write I will be confused
Answered by
7984 x 15- 7984 5
(v) 8324 x 1945 - 8324 x 945 w) 3333 987 - 13 x 3333
6. Find the product of the :
@ greatest number of three digits and smallest number of five digits
greatest number of four digits and the greatest number of three digits
7. Fill in the blanks :
0 (437 + 3) < (400 - 3) = 397 x
.) = 11x
() 66 +44 +22 = 11*(--
Step-by-step explanation:
+44 +22 = 11*(--
8. Evaluate :
( 355 x 18
15 x 49372
() 6214 x 12
(I) 9999 x 8
Please send me all answers of the questions which I have sent because I am not able to solve please help me! please send answer line wise because I have to write I will be confuse you with the first
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