2. Differentiate the following (AS 1)
- Meristematic tissue and Ground tissue
- Apical meristem and lateral meristem
- Parenchyma and collenchyma
- Sclerenchyma and parenchyma
- Xylem and phloem
- Epidermis and bark
Meristematic Tissue
Have seen plants grow from small saplings to bigger plants and then trees? Don’t you think they generally grow from the top? Yes, they do. There are some specialized cells in plants that are not differentiated and help in the growth of the plants. These cells in a plant can be young and have the ability to divide continuously. There is a special name for these cells, which are called the meristem cells. The tissue that these meristem cells form in plants is called as the meristematic tissue.
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Meristematic Tissue in Plants
Meristematic tissue or meristems, as they are also called are tissues that have the ability to enlarge, stretch and differentiate into other types of cells as they mature. The cells of this tissue are generally young and immature, with the power of continuous division.
Meristematic cells are all living cells. The meristematic cells can be oval or rounded or polygonal in shape. They have
Meristematic is the group of cells that has the ability to easily divide and the Ground Tissue are tissue of plantother in epidermis and vascular tissue consisting collenvhyma parenchyma. ... Ground tissue of plants includes the tissues neither vascular nor dermal. Ground tissues are divided into 3 types of cell walls.
Meristematic tissue can be divided into apical meristems and lateral meristems: Apical meristems occur at shoot and root tips and are responsible for primary growth (i.e. plant lengthening) ... Apical meristems give rise to new leaves and flowers, while lateral meristems are responsible for the production of bark.
Parenchyma has a thin cell wall of their cells, and are made up of cellulose. Whereas collenchyma cells have an uneven cell wall made up of pectin and hemicellulose. There is a hard and thick cell wall present of the sclerenchyma cells, which is made up of the lignin.
Parenchyma cells are found in every soft part of the plant, but collenchyma cells are found in specific part of the plant like leaves, stems, and petioles, whereas sclerenchyma cells are found in mature parts of the plants or trees. ... Parenchyma has a thin cell wall of their cells, and are made up of cellulose.Nov 13, 2018
Xylem tissues are found in leaves, roots, and stems. Phloem tissues are found in stems and leaves which later grow in the roots, fruits, and seeds. Xylem tissue is composed of xylem vessels, fibers, and tracheids. Phloem tissue is composed of like sieve tubes, companion cells, phloem fibers, and phloem parenchyma.
Bark is outer covering of plant made of schlerenchyma. Epidermis is the inner layer of the bark. Epidermis- It is the outer protective layer in young plants Bark- It is the secondary meristem which is several layer thick . ... Bark : dermal tissue forms several layers above the epidermis it is called bark.