English, asked by abhishekkharika1, 1 month ago

2. Imagine yourself Gopa .Write a speech on the topic
‘Technology can be very beneficial for mankind ,if it used
properly, while misusing can lead the disastrous


Answered by saipraneet752


Respected Principal Sir, honourable teachers and my dear friends, at the outset I wish you a very good morning. Today, it is a matter of great privilege for me to stand before you and address this assembly on a subject which is very close to my heart.

Every since the day man first rubbed two stones to light up a fire, newer discoveries, and subsequently, inventions have been made to make life easier for humankind. Just as fire was probably the first discovery, inventing clothing and housing were steps that made life more comfortable. Gradually, vehicles for movement and medicines for treatment aided men to cover distances with ease and lead healthier lives. In moving from one place to another by land, first horses and elephants were used; gradually, motor cars began replacing these modes in a big way. Similarly, rafts, canoes and boats were replaced by motorised boats and ships. Thereafter, aerial movement was achieved through aeroplanes; today, rockets are being sent to outer space and into planets in the solar system with a view to rehabilitating in the future a part of the world’s burgeoning population.

All this and many more things born out of scientific research is beneficial for us. But, I dread to think about the ill effects of mankind’s misuse of science. The biggest disaster a scientific discovery has caused was the dropping of atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki; killing innocent men, women and children by the thousands was an immediate catastrophe, but maiming future generations has been a nagging worry. In this day and age, I dread to imagine what will happen if nuclear arms fall into wrong hands or a few trigger-happy men sit on a stockpile of nuclear weapons, always threatening to unleash them on their foes. So, the United Nations and other world bodies should continually make efforts to keep those megalomaniacs and their armoury in check.

In spite of a few shortcomings, science continues to address our problems and makes living a pleasurable experience. Our daily lives are so dependent on science that we cannot imagine a single moment without using one of its inventions; air-conditioners, washing machines, internet, telephones, microwave ovens, water heaters are just a few of these, which have been giving us all the comfort that we could desire. Therefore, if we use technology for the benefit of mankind, it is a wonderful area of human activity and can be used in a productively useful way.

Thank you.    


Answered by Palak77778


Now a days every body uses a word Technology, but do you know, what is meaning of that word. We can say that it is much broader term as it includes different ideas, perception and views. In layman language we can say that it is the evolution of idea. It can be a thinking of a person by which he can improve an existing device or develop a new device

that facilitates us.

We can see that how much impact the technology has made in our life. Now days we can see many technological inventions, that without it, we cannot imagine our life. Every body is using the technology in both our personal and professional life. It is important not only for those who developing it but also for those who use it in their day to day life.

Technology is a big term. Different people have different views and ideas about Technology. Technology also related to how knowledge can be use to do tasks using people and machines. The various definition of technology which clears our concept about this is as follows

• Technology is not only related to understanding the things but it is also related to implement the things.

• It not only related the scientific knowledge but also include facts and practical knowledge.

• Technology is a mixture of man, material and thing so we can develop the product and satisfy the goals.

• Technology is the application of scientific development so that it can be beneficial for human being.

• It is a knowledge of creating tool and developing the skills so that we can solve the problem

• It is the set of both hardware and software that help us to think better. Technology includes all the objects from pencil and paper to the latest electronic gadget.

All the above definitions are appropriate or suitable in respect of technology. It includes vary vast concept inside it. It is an appropriate use of natural resources, so we can use these resources, in the development process. It a process of develop thinking that generates knowledge about the natural world.

In the early stages when people used to make tools from stones or other objects since than technology has been continuously in the phase of development. The invention of various tools and techniques and the background knowledge helps the people to develop new things. Technology also helps people to develop certain things which people cannot imagine 1000 year ago, its great example is airplane.

Technology is a hand on, can do profession where people have to be skilled in many of the following: engineering, communicating, designing, developing, innovating, managing, manufacturing, modeling, and systems thinking. Technology can do a lot of things as it is doing in the recent time and on daily events. We can see everyday some or the other inventions in many fields so technology has become a very important aspect of our lives

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