√2 kinase nikalka hi
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The square root of 2 is the number which when multiplied with itself gives the result as 2. It is generally represented as √2 or 2½. The numerical value of square root 2 up to 50 decimal places is as follows: √2 = 1.41421356237309504880168872420969807856967187537694…
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Step-by-step explanation:
root of a number A is a number which when multiplied by itself is equal to the number A
if y = x*x
then, x is called the root of y. or √y=x
eg: √25=5
√81= 9
The above examples are called perfect squares because they can be expressed as the product of two equal integers
√2 is not a perfect square because the value needed to be squared is not an integer i.e. 1.41421356237
Hope it will help you
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