Hindi, asked by harsh3764, 5 months ago

2. निम्नलिखित वाक्यों में से क्रियाविशेषण शब्द छाँटकर लिखिए-
(क) बुरी संगति में कभी न पडो।
(ख) वहाँ मत जाओ।
(ग) बस करो और कितना खेलोगे?
(घ) ज़रा सोच-समझकर बोला करो।
(ङ) यहाँ सब सकुशल हैं।​


Answered by lostsky69


A painful sensation in any part of the head, ranging from sharp to dull, that may occur with other symptoms.

Answered by XxIndhuQueenxX


Displacement is the shortest distance between the initial and final position. It is a vector quantity i.e. it has both magnitude and direction. ... Displacement is the shortest distance between the initial and final position. It is a vector quantity i.e. it has both magnitude and direction.

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