Chemistry, asked by by006716, 3 months ago

2. संघनित प्रावस्था नियम क्या है? Ag-Pb तन्त्र के लिए आरेख खींचते हुए इसे समझाइए। What is Condensed Phase rule? Draw phase rule diagram of Ag-Pb system and


Answered by pawanmajhi2000



किसी रासायनिक संतुलन तंत्र में स्वतंत्रता की कोटि को दरसाने वाला नियम जिसके अनुसार स्वतंत्रता की कोटियां का मान घटकों व प्रवस्थाओं की संख्याओं के अंतर से दो अधिक होता है

Answered by gautamrawat0sl


Ag-Pb is a two-component system.


The phase rule or Gibbs phase rule describes the possible number of degrees of freedom for a system in equilibrium which can define the system completely. The mathematical equation for the Gibbs phase rule is

F = C - P + 2


F is the degree of freedom

C is the number of components

P is the number of phases

Condensed phase rule

When out of pressure or temperature, one variable is constant then the Gibbs phase rule becomes the condensed phase rule.

F = C - P + 1

This expression is known as the condensed phase rule.

Ag-Pb is a two-component system. The phase rule diagram for this system is given below,

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