2. The latest method of preservation of milk is
3. The
bacteria disintigrate the ammoniun compounds.
4. The people who study microbiology are called microbiologists,
1.Pasteurization increases the storage life of milk because it decreases lactic acid producing micro-organisms. Enzymes in milk are destroyed by pasteurization and that's why milk can be safely stored long time. Most of the pathogenic (harmful) bacteria are destroyed by pasteurization.
2) Modern method of milk preservation: Milk can be preserved by keeping milk in refrigerator for only 40 seconds. Milk can be preserved in deep freezer. Although micro-organisms are not multiplied here, but they break the chemical bond of milk.
3) Nitrifying bacteria disintegrate the ammonium compound into nitrite and nitrate.
4) The people who study microbiology are called microbiologist. Microbiology is the study of microorganisms, which cannot be seen with our naked eyes.