2. Which one of the following options is used as a symbol for the AND logical operator?
The AND symbol is often found within complex logical statements along with other symbols. In Boolean algebra, negation (also called the NOT operation) is represented by a dash with a 'tail' (¬). The logical OR operation is represented by a plus sign (+). Certain facts involving negation, the OR operation, and the AND operation have been proven in Boolean algebra, and are known as DeMorgan's Laws. According to these theorems, the following pairs of statements are logically equivalent for all A and for all B:
¬(A + B)
(¬A) * (¬B)
¬(A * B)
(¬A) + (¬B)
The symbol used for the AND logical operator varies depending on the programming language or context. However, one of the most commonly used symbols is the ampersand symbol "&" or "&&".
In programming languages such as C, C++, Java, and JavaScript, the double ampersand symbol "&&" is used as a logical operator to represent AND. It is used to compare two expressions and returns true only if both expressions are true. For example, in the expression "x > 5 && x < 10", the expression will return true only if x is greater than 5 and less than 10.
On the other hand, in some programming languages such as VB.NET and Visual Basic, the keyword "And" is used as a logical operator to represent AND. For example, in the expression "If x > 5 And x < 10 Then", the expression will return true only if x is greater than 5 and less than 10.
In summary, the symbol used to represent the AND logical operator may vary depending on the programming language or context. However, in many programming languages, the double ampersand symbol "&&" is a commonly used symbol to represent the AND logical operator.
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