Art, asked by Kila123, 1 year ago

2 words describing dodong in footnote to youth


Answered by SonuRajak2921


Footnote to YouthBy Jose Garcia Villa1. Explain the title. In what way is it suitable to the story?

(he title o) the short story is Footnote to *outh+ it re,ol,es around the prospet o) teen marriage. It is a story o) $odong ho made a mista/e in the past and ended up in an unhappy li)e and he did not ant his son to be li/e him. (he title Footnote to *outh is suitable beause it ser,es as a note or a reminder that the li)e o) ha,ing your on )amilyin a young age ill not be easy as a/e. A )ootnote is simply de)ined as a note at the )oot o) the page. It is o)ten used to gi,e additional in)ormation to the reader regarding onthe ords on the story but yet the author inludes no atual )ootnotes in the story. (his story as ritten by Jose 0aria in &122 to sho that a )ather3s isdom is not alays something you an base your li)e on. It is so easy to ma/e a ertain deision but4 it ill ne,er be easy to ha,e a big responsibility. (hose issues mostly happens on the pro,ine area or in a partiular plae that ha,e not su))iient /noledge about the onse5uenes or hat an be possibly the outome o) a teen that is ommitted to marriage at the unrighteous time. (hose indi,iduals pi/ up the rong deision not just beause o) their )oolishness neither stubbornness4 it also beause on the la/ o) proper guidane o) hisher parents about this ertain topi. (hese ideas or the message4 hih omes )rom the reader3s mind hile reading this story4 is hat e may re)er to as the author3s )ootnote.

2. What is the preo!inant ele!ent in the story " plot# the!e# character# settin$?Explain.

(he predominant elements in the story are theme4 harater and setting. (he themeas eye-athing beause it is about early teen marriage hih is also disussed in theurrent time. "any Filipino teens are su))ering on these topis4 6rushing deisions andteen marriage7. (een pregnany is also onneted on those topis. (he harater asalso a great ontributor beause o) their onsisteny in their traits espeially the )ather and son thing. $odong ants to marry the girl he lo,ed. 8e is problemati o,er ho heintends to tal/ to his )ather about marrying (eang4 going o,er the possible responses his)ather ould gi,e4 and at the same time on,ining himsel) that he is old enough tohandle the responsibility. But sooner he regretted it beause his son as/ $odong3spermission to get married and no he made the same mista/es that his )ather did. Andlastly the settings4 it is the most predominant beause it states the situation o) a )amilyli,ing in po,erty and it let the readers )eel ho to be there in the ertain situation andho does it )eel by emphasi9ing the harateristis o) the en,ironment in a po,erty line.

%. What sort o& con&lict con&ronts the leain$ character or characters? Explain.

(he on)lit starts on $odong hen he anted to on)ront his )ather to in)orm him thathe ants to marry (eang and as/ )or its permission beause he had a thought that he/nos that he is in the legal age that an be independent and an de)initely hoose theright )rom rong. 8is )ather just loo/ed at him silently and stops su/ing the bro/entooth and $odong )elt unom)ortable and then beame angry beause his )ather /eptloo/ing at him ithout uttering anything. 8e /ne to himsel) that he is already a manand he an handle suh responsibility ha,ing his on )amily but sadly beause o) hisrudeness4 all o) that as rong

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