English, asked by preetisharma23230023, 6 months ago

2. Write a Precis of the following paragraph in your own words:
Safe drinking water is one of the basic needs and without its
availability in adequate quantity and quality, there could be serious
impact on human and animal health. The Department of Drinking Water
and Sanitation released the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for
drinking water supply and sanitation services during natural hazards.
Drought could lead to scarcity of water due to depletion of water table
and/or drying up of water sources. Natural hazards such as floods,
tsunami, avalanche, landslide or hailstorm could result in wash
off/damage of water supply assets, thus resulting in disruption of supply
ous impact on
of safe drinking water. Therefore, in any type of crisis
, proper
management of drinking water supply to the affected people on an
immediate basis” is an essential requirement. Maintaining
environmental sanitation and individual hygiene are also equally
important to reduce or eliminate chances of disease of prevalence
outbreak of epidemics. The SOP manual has been prepared, in order
to assist everyone in the Rural Water and Sanitation Department, State
Water & Sanitation Mission, District Water and Sanitation Mission,
NGO's and the community, whether at the National, State, District or
at other levels. It also indicates actions to be taken at various levels.
The document explains, for each category of staff, what they are
responsible for, and what steps they should take before, during and
after a natural disaster.


Answered by yadavtannu74200


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