2. Write a short note : Stomata
Stomata are microscopic pores found mostly on the underside of leaves. They are located in the epidermal tissue. Each stoma is surrounded by a pair of specialized, kidney shaped cells called guard cells, which possess chlorophyll and regulate the opening and closing of stomata. The primary function of stomata is to allow gaseous exchange during photosynthesis and respiration between the plant's internal tissues and the atmosphere. The process of transpiration also takes place through stomata.
Plants absorb carbon dioxide from air which is needed for photosynthesis, and then after the process oxygen is released as by product.
All these process happens in leaves. Sunlight is absorbed by chlorophyll in leaves.
From where does carbon dioxide enter?
- It is stomata, which is responsible for exchange of air ,that is respiration in plants.
- Stomata is present on the back side of leaves that is away from sunlight.
- It helps in intake of carbon dioxide, release of oxygen and water.
- It is like pores that can open and close.