2. Write the format of the REPEAT command
3. What is the difference drive and folder
4. Write down the steps to copy files from one to another?
5. What is text alignment? List its different types?
2)The basic specification is DO REPEAT , a stand-in variable followed by a required equals sign and a replacement list of variables or values, and at least one transformation command. The structure must end with the END REPEAT command.
3)Answer: All the data on your hard drive consists of files and folders. The basic difference between the two is that files store data, while folders store files and other folders. The folders, often referred to as directories, are used to organize files on your computer.
4) sorry no idea
5)There are four main alignments: left, right, center, and justified. Left-aligned text is text that is aligned with a left edge. Right-aligned text is text that is aligned with a right edge. Centered text is text that is centered between two edges.