Math, asked by EunHoon, 7 months ago

2150 cal heat is provided to a substance of 2 kg to raise the temperature by 5°c. Find the specific heat capacity of the substance


Answered by d687cyoyo



The heat required to increase the temperature by 30°C is 30 kcal Explanation: Given Specific heat capacity C = 0.5 cal/g°C Mass of the substance m = 2 kg = 2000 g Change in temperature of the substance ?T = 30°C Using the formula of the hear required Q=mc\Delta TQ=mcΔT Q=2000\times 0.5\times 30Q=2000×0.5×30 \implies Q=30000⟹Q=30000 cal or, Q=30Q=30 kcal Hence, the heat required to increase the temperature by 30°C is 30 kcal Hope this answer is helpful. Know More: Q: The specific heat of a substance varies as (3t^2+t) x 10^-3 cal/g-°C. What is the amount of heat  required in K Cal to raise the temperature of 1 kg of substance from 10°C to 20°C? Q: Calculate amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 5 grams of iron from 25 degree centigrade to 75 degree centigrade the specific heat capacity of iron is 0.450 Joule per gram.Theheatrequiredtoincreasethetemperatureby30°Cis 30kcalExplanation:GivenSpecificheatcapacityC=0.5cal/g°CMassofthesubstancem=2kg=2000gChangeintemperatureofthesubstance?T=30°CUsingtheformulaofthehearrequiredQ=mcΔTQ=mcΔTQ=2000×0.5×30Q=2000×0.5×30⟹Q=30000⟹Q=30000 calor, Q=30Q=30 kcalHence,theheatrequiredtoincreasethetemperatureby30°Cis 30kcalHopethisanswerishelpful.KnowMore:Q:Thespecificheatofasubstancevariesas(3t2+t)x10−3cal/g−°C.Whatistheamountofheat requiredinKCaltoraisethetemperatureof1kgofsubstancefrom10°Cto20°C?Q:Calculateamountofheatrequiredtoraisethetemperatureof5gramsofironfrom25degreecentigradeto75degreecentigradethespecificheatcapacityofironis0.450Joulepergram.

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