Social Sciences, asked by jyotiyas33, 6 months ago

23. How can you say that the condition of rural women is quite sad ?​


Answered by hardiksharma50

Answer   The manifold disadvantages and discrimination which continue to plague rural women in many parts of the world was an issue voiced by many speakers as the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) continued its discussion today on the advancement of women with close to 50 speakers taking the floor.

Pointing to the 85 per cent of her country’s population who lived in rural areas, the representative of Ethiopia underscored that prioritizing rural development was fundamental to the advancement of women.

The advancement of women had been one of the most important items on the Third Committee’s agenda, Indonesia’s representative said, highlighting that violence against women was still one of the most persistent human rights violations today.  It was distressing that a culture of impunity still existed in many parts of the world, he added.


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