History, asked by bhavishkak65, 3 days ago

23. The condition of the vas pathetic. Kshatriyas


Answered by arjunjayakumar09



Kshatriyas are gone. They are divided to such an extent by their own people that they don't even have a say in all this.

1-As Rajesh Satya sir already mentioned some turned into sudra to get benefits.

2- The ones who really belonged to royal families are enjoying the riches without giving any fuss about the joint destruction done by casteism and reservation. Sometimes they do rise , just to pamper their non existent ego(read padmavat case). I just wish only if they would have rose for any thoughtful improvement in govt, no one would have been prouder than me even if I don't belong to that particular sub community (read rajputs).

3-And then comes the middle class kshatriyas like me(read me as the whole community), who can't never play the caste card because it's just not them.

Somewhere dalits brag that their ancestors were oppressed,so they got the right to torment brahmins now.Does India punishes the son of a criminal if they can't catch the father?So i just can't understand their hypocrisy about past here.

In some other part Brahmins claim that they were and still are the mightest(I had read many quora answers regarding this).Maybe they were in past,but now anyone who does good to the society should be called this. They say how reservation system is paining them,but still they are the fighters,the light bringers to society. Yeah,they claim this accrouding to the caste.(Remember,I am not denying their merit. I too am fighting their war.) I would have been happier if they would have told this based on merit only without bringing up the caste thing.

Then comes the vaishyas,most of them are included under OBC,So here comes reservation again

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