24. Nakul sold 100 Cricket Bats to Akhil Sports @ Rs.5,000 less 25% Trade Discount and 2%
Cash Discount Akhil Sports pays the amount within 14 days of sale. Akhil sports paid the
amount within 14 days. (2+2+2)
1. What will be the amount that Rahul wil edi to Sales Account?
2. What will be the journal entries for the above transactions in the books of Nakul,
Answered by
4. Nakul sold 100 Cricket Bats to Akhil Sports @ Rs.5,000 less 25% Trade Discount and 2%
Cash Discount Akhil Sports pays the amount within 14 days of sale. Akhil sports paid the
amount within 14 days. (2+2+2)
1. What will be the amount that Rahul wil edi to Sales Account?
2. What will be the journal entries for the above transactions in the books of Nakul,
4. Nakul sold 100 Cricket Bats to Akhil Sports @ Rs.5,000 less 25% Trade Discount and 2%
Cash Discount Akhil Sports pays the amount within 14 days of sale. Akhil sports paid the
amount within 14 days. (2+2+2)
1. What will be the amount that Rahul wil edi to Sales Account?
2. What will be the journal entries for the above transactions in the books of Nakul,
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