25. Abhishek bought a bottle of disinfectant spray from the nearby market. It had a knob which was to be opened in a particular way. However, there was no instruction on its package in this regard. Therefore, when he tried to open the knob in a casual way, some of the sprays flew in his eyes. This affected his vision.
In the context of the above case:
a. Name the rights of the consumer being violated by the company.
b. State any two directions which the consumer court can issue to the company after being satisfied with the genuineness of the complaint.
Answered by
a. right to be informed
b. If the consumer court is satisfied about
the genuineness of the complaint, it
can issue one or more of the following
directions to the opposite party.
(i) To remove the defect in goods or
deficiency in service.
(ii) To pay a reasonable amount of
compensation for any loss or
injury suffered by the consumer
due to the negligence of the
opposite party.
source: class XII ncert book business studies ( part II)
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