26- What is roughage? Why is it important to our body? What are the main sources of roughoge?
⛄Roughage is the fibre present in some food items like fruits and vegetables. Mostly roughage is not a food but it is a very very important part of our diet.
⛄It helps in improving our digestion and also have many more advantages.
⛄Human body is not able to digest cellulose now. But in ancient times, when early human being consume raw plants and animals, they were able to digest cellulose by bacteria present in veriform appendix.
⛄ Vermiform appendix is not more able to digest cellulose, it is a vestigial organ now.
✏ So, now let's know the importance of roughage in our body.
⛄ It helps in the bowel movement. Bowel movement means the movement of digested food through the alimentary canal.
⛄ It cleans our digestive tract and proteins the digestive ailments. It is an important food source for the bacteria present in our gut (alimentary canal).
⛄ It prevents constipation. It forms a bulk of food and prevents from forceful egestion. This is the most important function of Roughage.
⛄ It helps in retaining water in the body.
⛄ It helps in maintaining optimum levels of blood sugar and cholesterol.
✏ The important sources of Roughage in our body:
- Whole grains and legumes
- Brown rice
- Nuts and seeds
- Oatmeal and necessary cereal
- Fruits and Vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables.