Social Sciences, asked by jnithya0682gmailcom, 11 months ago

3. Answer the following questions in about 70-20 words:
a) List any two features of the apartheid system in South Africa,
b) Explain the role of the Constituent Assembly in the making of the Indian Constitution
c) Describe the role of the Election Commission in ensuring free and fair elections in
d) Distinguish between a democratic government and a non-democratic government


Answered by Anonymous


points are less dear!!!!!!!!


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Answered by Dhiksha810


(i) Apartheid was the name of a system of racial discrimination imposed on South Africa by the white Europeans. During the 17th and 18th centuries, the trading companies from Europe occupied South Africa with arms and forces.

(ii) Afterwards a large number of 'whites' got settled there and became the local rulers. The system of apartheid divided the people and labelled them on the basis of their skin colour.

(iii) The native people of South Africa are black in colour. There were others who were of mixed races and were called coloured'. People who migrated from India also comprised the non-white population.

(iv) The white ruler treated all non-whites as inferiors. The non-whites did not have voting rights. They were suppressed in a number of ways.

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