3. Describe the main features of the permanent settlement
Key Features of Permanent Settlement:
Landlords or Zamindars were recognized as the owners of the land. They were given hereditary rights of succession of the lands under them. The amount to be paid by the landlords was fixed. It was agreed that this would not increase in future (permanent in nature)
The Permanent Settlement was a contract that was conducted by the British East India Company and the Bengali landlords also known as zamindars. The two other systems were the Ryotwari system and the Mahal Wari System. ... This settlement was an agreement between the zamindars and British to fix the land revenue.
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Following were the main features of the Permanent Settlement:
(a)The rajas and taluqdars were recognized as zamindars.
(b)They were responsible for collecting revenue from peasants and paying to the Company.
(c)Revenue demand was permanently fixed.