3. Hydrolysis of water into H and OH ions with
A. Fill
above 45°C slow down photosynthesis. Why?
olan carbon
nutrition is found in nongreen
1. Chlorophyll traps energy from
3. The occurrence of photosynthesis can
be confirmed by testing the presence of
B. Give one word for the following:
2. Microscopic openings on the under surface
1. Green plants that prepare their own food
Chroloph the deat,
4. Starch turns colour of
to bluish-black
from purple
of leaf
in the process of photosynthesis?
4. How do chlorophyll and sunlight affect
5. Why are green plants called autotrophs?
6. What does 'photo represents in term
7. Name the raw materials needed for
8. Write equation to represent the basics of
9. Which form of energy is utilised by chlorophyll?
In which form is this energy converted during
photosynthesis and stored in glucose?
E. Match the columns.
Column A
Column B
1. Product of
(a) Storage
2. Chlorophyll
(b) Source of oxygen
3. Starch
(c) Glucose
4. Water
(d)-Closed at night
5. Stomata
(e) Solar energy
F. State whether these statements are true or
false. If false, rewrite the correct form of
the use of solar energy
4. End product of photosynthesis
5. Presence of starch in the leaves is tested using
jodine solution
C. Encircle the odd one out and give reasons
for your choice.
1. Protein, starch, cellulose, glucose
2. Starch, Iodine, caustic soda
3. Chlorophyll, stomata, sulphur, carbon dioxide
I moves, chloroplasts, chlorophyll
, roots
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