Math, asked by riyayadav50, 1 year ago

In the year 2014, the total income of company A and B together was Rs. 80000 and the
income of company A was 40% less than the income of company B then the
expenditures of company A was approximately what percent less than the
expenditures of company B?
B. 399
E. 19%​


Answered by Anonymous

Ratio = Comparison of like terms in its simplest terms.

x is what percentage of y = x/y *100

Percentage Change = (Final Value - Initial Value)/Initial Value *100

X is what per cent more or less than y = (x-y)/y * 100

Now, let's understand the topic with the help of the following examples:

Example 1

Following line graph shows the ratio of expenditure to income of three companies A, B and C during the period 2008–2013.


As mentioned above - Reading the instructions is important otherwise you will not be able to understand what these lines are all about.

Please observe that - Along Y-Axis are the ratios; Along X-Axis are the years; In between are the lines.

Following Line Graph shows the ratio of expenditure to income of three companies A, B and C.

Understand a few things from the question given above:

(1) For Company A in 2008, if Expenditure is Rs 0.9, then Income will be Rs 1, and so on.

(2) Expenditure to Income Ratio is expressed as E: I and not Income to Expenditure.

(3) To gain Profit, Expenditure has to be less than Income. For 'loss', the reverse is true.

(4) Profit and Loss percentages are calculated using the formulae mentioned below -

Profit = Income – Expenditure

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