3 minute speech on environment
A Short Speech on the Environment
Speech on the Environment
The definition of ‘Environment’ by the Cambridge English dictionary: ‘The air, water, and land in or on which people, animals, and plants live.’
The environment plays a pivotal role in the existence, growth and development of all living things on earth and importantly to humankind’s daily lives. The condition of the environment is very important for the quality of life that we lead.
The environment is extremely important for the growth of all life on the earth hence it the duty of human beings to protect the environment for their own, all animal’s and future generation’s benefits.
The abuse of the environment is a hot topic for discussion in the recent times. Several man-made activities and the high rate of growth of populations are the most important factors causing harmful effects to the environment. Let us explore some of humankind’s destructive activities: humankind has always cut down trees to make way for farming and or to use the wood and plants. A few great forests remain, namely the Amazon and Indonesia’s great forests. These are under threat by mankind who are exploiting them for logging or to clear them for farming palm oil which is highly sought after world wide. Brazil and Indonesia should be helped by the international community to save these precious resources.
Humankind is polluting the air with CO2 and other harmful emissions from industry and fuel use such as coal. CO2 in the atmosphere causes heating. The oceans are being polluted by plastic waste which causes sea life like dolphins to die from stomach problems or strangulation.