3. Name -
1. The light material like oil which floats in WWTP.___________
2. Tools used to remove solid wastes in WWTP. _____
3. A hole in the sewer line for repair and maintenance . ___
4. One contaminant present in sewage._____
5. By products from waste water treatment________
Answered by
what is wwtp??! can you be more specific?
Answered by
1) WWTP is Waste Water Treatment Process. Oil and grease are the floatable impurities. The light material like oil which floats on water. Skimmer removes the oil and other floatable impurities.
2) Tools used to remove solid wastes in the WWT process are Clarifier, Skimmer, and Roughing filter.
3) Trenchless Sewer line repair process is used to repair holes in the sewer lines.
4) Sewage contains organic pollutants and pathogens. Sewage includes a high amount of ammonium, nitrate, and phosphorus.
5) Screenings grit and sewage sludge are the by-products of wastewater treatment.
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