Physics, asked by ap275230, 7 months ago

3. NAND Gate is combination of which two basic Gates?​


Answered by nagavinothinirm3


In digital electronics, a NAND gate (NOT-AND) is a logic gate which produces an output which is false only if all its inputs are true; thus its output is complement to that of an AND gate. A LOW (0) output results only if all the inputs to the gate are HIGH (1); if any input is LOW (0), a HIGH (1) output results. A NAND gate is made using transistors and junction diodes. By De Morgan's theorem, a two-input NAND gate's logic may be expressed as AB=A+B, making a NAND gate equivalent to inverters followed by an OR gate.

The TTL 7400 chip, containing four NANDs. The two additional pins supply power (+5 V) and connect the ground

The NAND gate is significant because any boolean function can be implemented by using a combination of NAND gates. This property is called functional completeness. It shares this property with the NOR gate. Digital systems employing certain logic circuits take advantage of NAND's functional completeness.

The function NAND(a1, a2, ..., an) is logically equivalent to NOT(a1 AND a2 AND ... AND an).

One way of expressing A NAND B is {\displaystyle {\overline {A\land B}}} {\displaystyle {\overline {A\land B}}}, where the symbol {\displaystyle {\land }} {\displaystyle {\land }} signifies AND and the bar signifies the negation of the expression under it: in essence, simply {\displaystyle {\displaystyle \neg (A\land B)}} {\displaystyle {\displaystyle \neg (A\land B)}}.

NAND gates with two or more inputs are available as integrated circuits in transistor-transistor logic, CMOS, and other logic families.

Answered by sehrawatsushil1


combination of an AND gate and NOT gate

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