English, asked by satyam1753, 8 months ago

3. Read the beginning of the story given below and complete it in 150 words. Give the story a suitable title. (5)

A man of 80 years, very well-preserved who takes great care of his appearance, is moving into an old people's home today. His 70 years old wife has recently died, and he is obliged to leave his home. After waiting several hours in the retirement home lobby, he gently smiles as he is told that his room is ready​


Answered by iamhandsome69


It was raining heavily, the street lights had gone off and I was returning home after enjoying a wonderful evening with friends. The memories of the evening were still fresh with me.

We had watched the action thriller—Horror. Then we had spent sometime in the restaurant discussing the actors and the story. Finally, seeing the overcast sky, we decided to part. I started on my motorcycle.

Soon it began to rain. There was no light on the road. Still I kept going. Suddenly, I felt that my bike had hit a cyclist. The cyclist had fallen on the road. I stopped. ‘See, what have you done to me, cried the youngman nursing his wounds.’ ‘Sorry, I could not see in the darkness,’ I replied “Here are five hundred rupees. With that you can pay the doctor and mend your cycle.”

“Don’t show me your money. Go your way but carefully now, lest you should hit someone else.”

Ashamed of myself. I moved on

Answered by Qᴜɪɴɴ

A Father Who Waited for His Beloved Son

A man of 80 years, very well-preserved who takes great care of his appearance, is moving into an old people's home today. His 70 years old wife has recently died, and he is obliged to leave his home. After waiting several hours in the retirement home lobby, he gently smiles as he is told that his room is ready.

What you feel does't he has a ward? Yes he does. But his son is too busy with his work and his "personal" life that they have no time to take care of the retired father. When the father was young he took care of every need of his son. He dreamt of spending last years of his life in their house with his wife. But today- destiny changed. He nighter has his wife nor does he own the house. But the son said him, " Papa I'll come back... to take you..."

The old man had hope. He knew his son would come. He used to sit in the veranda and wait for his son. The people living there said him, " Your son won't come! It happened with many of us." But the old man smiled and said, " He will, he's my only child. I love him very much and I know he too loves me very much!"

Many months passed but his son didn't come... He had the hope that he'll come. Whenever he met someone at the old people's home he smiled and said, "I'm not going to stay here for long... My son will come soon to take me, back to my own home."

Two years have passed... He isn't that good looking anymore. Age and worries left their mark on his face and body in the form of wrinkles and dark circles. One day a bus full of little children came to visit the old people's home. The other old citizens living there mocked him saying, "Now don't tell these children that your son will come to take you."He laughed and replied, "He will come then why shall I not say that to these children?"

After much talks with the old citizens the students left -- pledging that they'll never leave their old parents to live in an old people's home.

As they went away, the old man looked at his roommate and said,

" My son won't come back."

-"Haha today you understood that? What makes you think so?"

" Saw that child ? She had a picture of her young grandfather, who's dead."

-" But what that's to do with you?"

"That was my picture", the old man said, with tears in his eyes.

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